An Instructor at Al-Karkh University of Science published a scientific research in the journal ELSEVIER -Netherlands
Dr. Ahmed Askar Najaf, published a scientific research on the geological formations of the oil in the Zagros folds in northern Iraq. The paper was published in ELSEVIER magazine.
The study included the study of the sedimentary basin with all its geophysical and geochemical details, and an electronic simulator through the petromod program, to study the history of oil production and the degree of oil maturity, the depth of the thermal burial and the reasons for the oil generation in those areas, including the formation of Sarklo, the formation of Nuklecan, the formation of Jikara and other important geological formations.
The research concluded that the northern parts of Kirkuk (Jebel Qand) contain oil-producing Masurian rocks. The evolutionary age is 6 million years ago. The oil wells in these areas cannot be depleted for hundreds of years, as they are still producing oil to the present time.
Dr. Ahmed Askar said that the results of this research are promising and they encourage many of the oil companies to invest in these areas to benefit the country and its economy.